- License module was updated. Some older licencies can require reactivation.
- The small bug from email header was removed.
sobota 10. novembra 2018
SenderMatic emailer version 2.4.159 and SenderMatic version 1.3.1459 - news
štvrtok 9. augusta 2018
SenderMatic emailer version 2.4.158 - news
- Bug was removed from storing data in SQL database with using a changed password of user login account.
streda 20. júna 2018
SenderMatic version 1.3.1458 - news
- We speed up some database operations.
- Timeout for database command to sending emails, was increased.
sobota 24. februára 2018
SenderMatic emailer version x.x.x57 - news
- Antispam test was improved
- Email sending engine was redesigned
- Property ALT was added to image properties in email editor.
streda 21. februára 2018
SenderMatic emailer version 2.4.156 - news
- Result window of anti spam checker was improved.
- Special keywords now ignores accent characters and are a case insensitive.
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